
Thursday, 28 March 2019

Hello everyone :)
I am sorry I am so late showing the rest of my Christmas gifts. It was the 1st anniversary of my Fathers passing and it hit me harder than I expected I am still finding it difficult to concentrate on anything for long so forgive me for not keeping up with all your wonderful posts.
 These are the beautiful gifts that I received from Fabiola.

Her cross stitch is so tiny and beautiful.

I love the little ballerina .

Thank you so much Faby I love all my tiny treasures and I treasure your friendship.

I also won Droras giveaway  it arrived in the new year. I was especially pleased to win this one and you can see why :))) She also added extra as a Christmas present.
I love her tiny houses.
Look at these beautiful little dolls and pram.
So many wonderful toys all perfect for my toy shop.

Toys for the boys :))

Thank you dear friend I love your gifts and feel very blessed to have you as a friend.
I am sorry the lighting was not the best the day I took the pictures.
I have not done very much to my project but the little I have done I will show you next time I hope it wont be as long till then :)
Thank you all and HAPPY MOTHERS DAY on Sunday I know you all don't celebrate it this weekend But have a wonderful day anyway ;D
 Warm Hugs to all my Friends.