Hello everyone :) I want to show you my Christmas room-box. Gosh how do you get such wonderful mini trees decorated mine had me pulling my hair out lol I am happy with it in the end even though its no were near perfect :DDD
With the lights on.
This morning I received another package that I just had to open and look what was in it a tiny wonderful Christmas tree and a beautiful candle arrangement just perfect for my room-box. Thank you so very much Tatiana I love your beautiful gifts. She also sent me lots more but those I will show another time :)
Here they are on the table so you can see how tiny and perfect the tree and candle is.
This Christmas roombox is full off wonderful gifts from friends over the last few years. There is to many to name you all but I am sure you will recognize your own ;) It makes scenes like this so very special to me.
Wishing you all a very Happy Peaceful Christmas and may 2015 bring you all you wish for.
Thank you all for being here Big Warm Hugs My Friends.